Friends of Flinders #4

AFL footballer turned musician/singer, the multi-talented Tom chats with us about his music career and love of the beach.

Hey Tom, where do you call home?

I'm from a small country town in the southwest of WA called Dunsborough

What’s your favourite local?

My favourite local would be a place called caves house. Great pub right near my favourite beach!

What’s your favourite Australian Beach?

I'm going to be a little bias here and say Yallingup beach. I grew up surfing and hanging out around this beach and it really feels like home.

What do you do?

I'm a musician/singer-songwriter that likes building things.

How did you get into your profession?

I studied music to stay sane when I was playing football full-time. It became a bit of an obsession. My best mate and I started a band called Kayex and it became a job! I'm now working on a solo project

What’s the most important thing about your profession?

It's a big creative outlet for me. I love the writing process and expressing myself through music. I've just started doing a few shows and that has been such a thrill.

If you weren’t doing what you do, what would you be doing?

I'd probably be a full-time carpenter

What do you do in your downtime?

I like getting out of the city. I'm based in Sydney so getting back to WA or scooting up the coast for a surf has been important for me.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Save money as much as you can and don't rush into anything career-wise. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Lastly, what is your favourite Flinders garment?

The Bondi Jacket!


Friends of Flinders #5


Friends of Flinders #3