Friends of Flinders #2

Family man and owner of Octeine Coffee, Pete shares his passion for coffee roasting and his favourite drinking holes in home town Adelaide.

Hi Pete, where do you call home?

Adelaide, South Australia

What’s your favourite local?

Wine bars: Five O'Clock Somewhere, KHOU. Pubs: Hagen Arms, Uraidla

What’s your favourite Australian Beach?

Streaky Bay

What do you do?

Coffee roaster/Barista/Business Owner (Octeine Coffee)

How did you get into your profession?

Fell in love with the process of adjusting flavour and producing a consistent coffee for people to enjoy

What’s the most important thing about your profession?

Attention to detail. Being consistent.

If you weren’t doing what you do, what would you be doing?

Winemaker, Spirit distiller, professional golfer (or at least trying to become one!)

What do you do in your down time?

Time with the family, running, or surfing.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't be afraid to try something new - you'll always learn something from it.

Lastly, what is your favourite Flinders garment?

The Bondi Jacket - versatile for any occasion.


Friends of Flinders #3


Friends of Flinders #1