Friends of Flinders #1

Tech entrepreneur and creative, Nic Davidson chats to us about his multi-faceted career and his favourite home town spot in Tassie.

Hi Nic thanks for being a Friend of Flinders, what do you do?

I'm a bit of a serial entrepreneur, While I have a background in technology; I own a number of different businesses from development, to aerial mapping through to FMCG and clean skincare. My day to day is generally on a laptop, but could be in the office, in a cafe in Melbourne, or sitting in a hotel in Netherlands.

Where do you call home?

I'm still a Tassie boy at heart, but I now call Melbourne home.

What’s your favourite local?

My favourite local at the moment is Eden in Malvern. Anywhere with good coffee, an outdoor heater that my golden retriever Paul can sit with me while I'm eating/working is my type of jam.

What’s your favourite Australian Beach?

That's a tough one. Aventure Bay (Bruny Island in Tasmania) is pretty special! Looking forward to getting back down there once it warms up. Stunning beach in a quaint little town.

How did you get into your profession?

I learnt to code at a very young age and have always had a knack for technology; from there it's been just identifying opportunities in every industry and just going for it!

What’s the most important thing about your profession?

Lateral thinking. In my particular industry there's not just one path to achieve an outcome and identifying the correct path and optimising it achieves the best result, so when I apply that same thinking in a lot of the hybrid ventures, I follow the same thought process.

If you weren’t doing what you do, what would you be doing?

As a profession? Probably be a pilot, always been a sucker for aeronautics. Or something fitness related; I was a professional track and field athlete when I was younger and struggle to spend a day without exercising.

What do you do in your down time?

I love keeping fit and exercising! Whether that be the gym, cycling or running or just in the park with my dog, getting off the computer and getting the heart rate going makes me tick. I also have a sneaky little Lego obsesion and collection.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Great question. I think it would be not to listen to the negative people and the pessimists and back yourself.

Lastly, what is your favourite Flinders garment?

These Bronte chinos are some of the comfiest pants I've ever worn and are definitely the new favourites.


Friends of Flinders #2


Spring Summer 2022 Campaign